My Three Favorite Silly Moments

During seventh grade I have made lots of memories. However, here are some of my favorites. My most favorite memory is from lunch a couple months ago when I made a little guy out of an orange. I gave that little guy to Miss Moffat and I’m pretty sure it is still on her desk. He’s a little rotten now but his name was orgle and he was super cool. My second favorite memory was when in core and was presenting my night at the museum project on torture devices. Everyone was very shocked and I thought it was funny. My third favorite memory is when I was in art with Caylee and Mrs. Stegall was doing a Kahoot. We were playing the kahoot then Caylee took a photo but she didn’t know that the flash was on. So, the photo ended up looking really funny because it was a Live Photo and Caylee moved when the photo was done photoing so it looked silly. Those were my favorite moments from my 7th grade school year.

20% Weeks Five and Six

Hello I was late on my week five blog so I am going to do a big combo blog of me weeks five and six of my 20% project. To start, with week five I had forgotten what I had learned in the previous weeks so, I had to redo all of that before I could start learning new things. I accomplished a bit mire but I did not complete a full song that week. My failures that week were just forgetting what I had learned and then messing up when I was practicing to redo it.I do love that the 20% project keeps me dedicated to my goal. However, I don’t have a great memory so I think that doing it a little bit more every week would’ve helped me get better at actually learning the guitar. Overall week five was very successful and had little failures throughout that Friday.Next I am moving on to week six. This was the last week we had to work on our 20% project. I completely failed this week, because this is when we got our trifolds and I was so focused on doing my trifold that I forgot to actually practice. So, that was one of my biggest failures in this whole process! Some successes that came out of this week were me starting on my trifold and planning the layout of how I wanted things to look on it. Another success is that I started to color my letters on the trifold that read “Guitar Journey”. I really didn’t get too much done that week but I had lots of fun talking with my friends and working with them on the trifolds. I have stated this but I just want to bring up how fun the 20% project was to do and be able to participate in it. I am very lucky to have been able to do this amazing project and kind of get something out of it. Thank you for sticking around with me while I spent my time learning guitar. Even though I failed my goal, I did my best!

Spoiled Kids

In the photo above you can see the kid on the left who is most likely spoiled, and then the kid on the right who is grateful for what he has. I have had friends who are the child who is on the left side of the photo. They have enough but they just keep wanting more because nothing is enough for them. Then I have other friends who are like the child on the right who are grateful for what they have and don’t want more if they don’t need it. Very big difference between those two types of people. The kid on the left is very dissatisfied even with how much he has, but the child on the right probably made that toy out of wood and is satisfied about it. It all most likely depends on how they are being raised, and how the parents are doing. Overall, be grateful for what you have you don’t always need more.

Rad Reading – April

This month I read the last book in the series I was reading. It was called someday by David Levithan. This summary of the plot might contain some spoilers since this is the 3rd book in a series. Rhiannon finds A and contacts him and then finds him in Denver. Then they go to New York to confront X, well A does most of the confronting. However overall they get rid of X and everyone goes their own way. What I loved about this book is that the perspectives changed throughout the book so you got to see how everyone felt. My favourite character is most likely A. My second favourite would be Rhiannon. A is my favourite because he is thoughtful. Yes he can be thoughtful in the wrong way but he means well. One quote to prove this is, “ I check her Facebook all the time, waiting for something to happen.” I think that this shows he’s thoughtful because he is trying to care about Rhiannon from far away.

My favourite quote is from the last page. It reads, “The important thing to remember is that I am not alone.” There is more to that quote but I don’t want to take up too much space. This is my favourite quote because it reminds people the no matter what they are never alone.

My Favorite Room

My favourite room of my house would be my bedroom. My bedroom is my favorite because it’s where all of my things are. I have decorated it so my room is basically me but in a room form it has all of the things I like and enjoy on posters on the wall. All of my stuff in there is really important to me so it makes the whole room important to me. I’ve moved rooms in my house a couple of times but I’ve never left and of my stuff behind because the room isn’t exactly important it’s the stuff the room is containing. My second favourite room is the upstairs family room next to my bedroom. This is because the room is amazing for sleepovers and my friends and I have a lot of fun watching tv on the big couch. Those are my favourite rooms in my house and why they’re my favorite.

20% Week Four

Hello! I am back again to update you on how my progress of guitar is going. This week during our work time I got a little bit distracted by weeding Miss Moffat’s little “yard” in front of her ramp with some other kids. However, I did still get in some practice time and worked on positioning my hands. I know a couple chords now so those are my successes, but I need to make some adjustments in my plan for learning. I thought I was going to learn a lot of songs but I now think that I will only be able to learn one song over this time period. Who knew guitar would be so difficult. I personally don’t think that I had any failures, beside not getting a lot of practice. I need to work on learning all of the notes so that I can try to play it with the song I’m learning. I’m really hoping that I get the hang of learning guitar soon so I don’t fail at learning. I’ll check back in next week with more information on my progress.

20% Week Three

Hello! Welcome back to my progress on learning guitar. I am learning a lot slower than I thought I would still. So, I am probably going to only learn two songs over the time I have left. I worked on chords and strumming patterns when practicing last. I’ve had a couple successes with the strumming patters I can’t always get my finger in the right place though. I think that is the hardest part about learning guitar because memorising all of the places and exactly where your hand should be is difficult. My wrist also hurts when I try to play some notes because I haven’t found a comfortable way to hold the guitar and play without my wrist hurting yet. I am very glad that I chose to do guitar because I’ve always struggle with following through with things. Overall my 20% project is going very well and I am having lots of fun doing it and learning a new thing. Thank you for reading my progress.

20% Week Two

Hello! This week I was actually in school to do my 20% project. It wasn’t the strongest start but it definitely was a start. I learned a little bit of notes on the guitar but I couldn’t play them off the top of my head at the moment. I had a little bit of struggle with getting my fingers in the right positions on the fretboard. I don’t think that I need to make adjustments in my planning for the week. I am not learning as fast as I though that I would that is also because I kind of wanted to give up halfway through practicing. However, I am going to keep on trying to do my best at learning this instrument so I cal learn how to play other things in the future like on an electric guitar. I am very grateful that we are doing this project because it is making me stick to learning something all the way through.

My Coolio Dinner

Hmmm, I wonder who I would invite to dinner if I could invite three people. First of all I would invite Ziggy because he is a good friend of mine. I’ve have known him since kindergarten or first grade and we’ve gotten to be better friends over the years. The second person I would invite is Jimmie. I would invite Jimmie because he makes stuff fun he had good ideas of what to do to have fun and he is another good friend I have. Finally last but not least I would invite Caylee. Caylee would make this dinner a very funny one because me and her are very good at making each other laugh. Those are the three people that I would invite to my dinner. The things we would eat are probably Dino nuggets and the foods that they like. We would be at my house maybe in the front yard for fun. That is all that would happen at my dinner.

20% Week One

Hello my name is Alex and for the 20% project I am going to be learning how to play the guitar. Sadly this week I wasn’t able to practice at all because I had a very busy weekend so there were no failures, successes, or adjustments so far. I hope you want to stay updated on my journey through music.